Thursday, June 7, 2007

PSW Contest - Closing Out the Very Merry Month of May

We had a fantastic May and made a lot of good picks and had tremendous returns on our members site.
We closed 263 positions during the month with a 186% average gain and a gain on capital of 299% - that’s what we call a great month!
Our members already know what a great job we do and support the site. Now I would like to ask those of you who read us for free to do me a favor: This site is supported by advertising and advertising is supported by people like you coming to and reading our site or signing up for the FREE EMail Subscription through FeedBurner, at the top right-hand corner of the free site. Those of you who do subscribe already know that we never give out your names or Emails to anyone and we don’t even ask you to join - I’m not asking you to join now - what I am asking for is for you to help us move this site up to the next level.
We will be closing to new subscribers shortly for the summer as we revamp the site, add some features and launch our first paid newsletter service. Those of you who are FeedBurner subscribers will get a mailing when we reopen the site, as memberships will be limited, and will get an opportunity to receive the newsletter at a discount. Right now though, I’m asking for your help in bringing some more people over to the free site so, if you enjoy reading my daily commentary and find the information useful, please do me the small favor of sending this invitation to subscribe along to 5 friends or family members (hopefully not mutually exclusive!) who you think would find this useful as well.

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